

自2008年以来,我一直是兰瑟大学社区的全职成员. 我是前任局长 为PCC全国认可的演讲做取证 & 我曾经效力过的辩论队 执教8年. 我也在表演与传播艺术部任教 Theatre Department where I occasionally teach Beginning Acting (THRT 2a), Script Analysis (TRT 9),以及各种车间和舞台制作(TRT 28) & 29). 我吃过 the pleasure of being the 演讲 Dept coordinator for 5 years prior to becoming the 现任演讲、戏剧和舞蹈系主任. 我对教育的热情一直 一直在探索艺术之间的关系 & 有表演的文学 & 沟通. When I’m not nerding out over that I enjoy all types of human activities like hiking, camping, the outdoors, movies 和 theatre, cooking. 

社区大学改变了我的生活. 当我意识到我更想成为一名教育者 than I wanted to be a performer I also knew I wanted to put my passion back into the CC的经验. 我希望参加我们系的课程也会对你有所帮助 找到你的激情所在.


威廉·西克曼 (他/他)是导演、打斗导演和演员. 他获得了BFA表演奖和 directing from the University of Montevallo in 2004 和 他的米FA in acting from UCLA in 2013 和 teaches Acting 1 和 2, Voice 和Movement for the Performer 在PCC. He previously taught stage combat at AMDA Los Angeles, Star Prep Academy, The 天使工坊学校. 在过去的六年里,威廉在PCC导演了16部戏剧. 他的作品包括 变形记, 米德尔顿, 嘘…这是图书馆, 歌舞表演, 麦克白, 呆子统治世界, 她杀死怪物. William has also choreographed fights for numerous college 和 professional productions 包括 哈姆雷特计划 随随便便, 犰狳领带 与集团代表, 亨利六世 与NAU,和 仲夏, 罗密欧与朱丽叶, 她杀死怪物,以及PCC的其他人.  威廉是演员权益协会的成员 an Advanced Actor Combatant with The Society of American Fight Directors. 


埃里克•拉森 (Set Designer) is currently a faculty member of the Theatre Department at 太阳城集团官方网址导航, where he has taught full time for the last twenty years. He has designed extensively in Theatre, Film 和 电视, from Broadway to major 颁奖典礼和电影. 他是电视艺术学院的成员 和 Sciences as well as The Art Director’s Guild (IATSE Local 800) 和 a former member 美国风景艺术家协会(IATSE 829). 他是南加州的终身居民 with over 400 plus productions to his credit in the Americas 和 Europe. 他收到了 他的米.F.A. 1995年在加州大学洛杉矶分校获得戏剧设计学士学位.A. 在剧院,有一个 1991年毕业于旧金山州立大学,主修设计. 他得了A.A. 1988年从圣安娜学院获得文科学士学位.

Dr. 凯瑟琳几乎
Dr. 凯瑟琳几乎

Dr. 凯瑟琳几乎 (她/Her) is a proud faculty member in the 戏剧艺术 Department 在PCC. 她 received her PhD in Theater 和 Performance of the Americas at Arizona State University 和一个MA in Performance Studies at New York University. 她的艺术 practice 和 research focus on theater as a tool for social change/justice. 她带来了 an international perspective of theater making 和 has collaborated 和 trained with groups 包括 El Teatro Campesino; Cornerstone Theater 和 Grupo Cultural Yuyachkani 秘鲁. 她 approaches her classes 和 the productions she directs with a decolonizing; feminist; queer 和 abolitionist perspective. 在PCC,她有幸成为合伙人 with CORE (社区 Overcoming Recidivism through Education), producing performances highlighting the experience of formerly incarcerated students 和 she plans to explore 进一步与PCC不同的学生团体合作.  她爱学生 我迫不及待地想和他们一起制作更多的戏剧!!



关闭 将Ahrens is not only a teacher 在PCC, he is also a former student, playing many 在PCC阶段领先. 他为自己对戏剧的热爱是在这个系形成的而感到自豪. After PCC he transferred to USC’s renowned film program, earning his BA. 这种广泛的 background has served him well over the years as he worked on stages throughout Los 安吉利斯担任演员、导演、编剧和制片人. 他把那段经历带回到 PCC as a guest artist with the Summer Sitcom program from 2000 to 2014. 在这 time, he earned 他的米A in theater 和 joined the faculty 在PCC in 2005. 他继续说 与洛杉矶的NEO和LOFT剧团合作. 他最近完成了 the first season of his web series, Theatre Tube, which can be seen on YouTube. He also has written an award-winning screenplay, Holding On, which is currently in development.
关闭 莱斯利·阿西西奥完成了她的两个B.A. 和M.A. 他是加州州立大学戏剧艺术专业的硕士.A. 她 has worked on over 150 live theater productions as a playwright, an actor, a director, 独唱演员、经纪人和独立制作人. 她的教育背景 includes tutoring, substitute teaching, working in Special Education, acting coaching, 在学前教育部门工作. 她目前是一名兼职戏剧教授 太阳城集团官方网址导航和康普顿学院. 她最近的舞台作品包括 singing on the worship team for Crescenta Valley Church 和 sharing her testimony in any capacity that comes her way: recovery meetings (over 25 different churches across Southern California), fighting against abortion, raising money to help single 父母,或者为无家可归的人提供帮助. 然而,最伟大的 role she has ever played is being the single mother of a beautiful, happy, healthy 4岁的女孩.

苏珊娜·亨特-詹纳(她,她,她的),教育家,演员,导演. 她曾在PCC任教 Beginning, Intermediate 和 Advanced Acting, Theatre 历史, Introduction to Theatre, 舞台和银幕化妆. 作为PCC的董事,她设计了, 当我们做梦受到监禁青年诗歌的启发, 移民之国, 根据学生的个人故事和戏剧改编 《太阳城集团官方网址导航》《太阳城集团官方网址导航》《太阳城集团官方网址导航》《了不起的盖茨比. Suzanne has also taught at California State University, Northridge, American Academy of Dramatic Arts, is a certified teacher in the Michael Chekhov Acting Technique. Professionally, Suzanne’s acting credits include over 100 appearances in network TV 演出、肥皂剧、商业广告和获奖舞台剧. 她是一名艺术家 古典戏剧实验室的协调员,导演了 《太阳城集团官方网址导航》《太阳城集团官方网址导航》 乡村妻子 for the City of West Hollywood 和 she received several Scenie Awards for her direction of 发现的化石 她也是路剧院的成员. Mfa, ma, sag-aftra, aea


桑德拉·马西,M.A., M.A., M.F.A. 是声音、演讲、方言和戏剧方面的教授, 他是一个戏剧导演. 她拥有古典表演专业的研究生学位 伦敦音乐与戏剧学院硕士.A. 加州州立大学戏剧系毕业 L.A.,我是。.F.A. 加州州立大学长滩分校的表演和导演, 和一个M.A. 安提阿大学戏剧治疗和临床心理学硕士. 她 has performed at Oregon Shakespeare Festival, Alabama Shakespeare Festival, various 外百老汇的作品,还有一个独角戏叫 Virtuosa 纽约外百老汇. 在过去的30年里,她教授声音,演讲,方言, theater history, introduction to theater, acting at the American Academy of Dramatic Arts, 太阳城集团官方网址导航, Long Beach City College, California State University 以及在这些机构执导的戏剧. 她最近的作品 太阳城集团官方网址导航的 你不能把它带走. 她 currently teaches voice 和 theater classes at 太阳城集团官方网址导航 和 the American Academy 和 has a private practice in voice 和 dialects in Los Angeles coaching performers 在电影、电视和戏剧中. 她也被认证为一级执业医师 在马丁 & 德哈斯呼吸协调技术. 

关闭 马丁·罗德里格斯 is a Los Angeles based arts educator 和 multi-disciplinary artist 他的教学 & 艺术哲学以甘地的名言为中心,“做一个真正的人” 改变你希望看到的世界。”. 他目前是一名兼职戏剧教授 for PCC 和 also teaches elementary theatre, is an arts integration salary point instructor for Los Angeles Unified School District 和 has worked with UCLA’s Visual & 执行 艺术教育计划. 在PCC,他执导了《太阳城集团官方网址导航》(A designing Fiasco, 21年秋季)和 “The Sparrow” (Summer ’22) 和 is looking forward to more project with our wonderful PCC学生. 他还与EdTA的CAN项目合作,帮助建立一个可持续的 model of professional learning for arts educators to strengthen their pedagogy, instruction, 和 leadership skills in order to better serve students 和 is a Co-Founder of Flat 轮胎剧院公司(@flattiretheatre)在洛杉矶. 马丁获得了硕士学位 in Theatre Education from the University of Northern Colorado 和 his BFA in Theatre 来自德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校的研究.